Sunday 17 July 2016


Jake is recovering slowly from his surgery . Few hiccups along the way but intensive physio should be the key to sorting most of them out. Be several months before we know if any success as nerves grow very very slowly.
Bungalow adaptions have started in earnest so all being well Jake should be in by mid August.
Went to Alice's awesome 60th birthday party last night. Alice and Matt (  very generously asked guests to put some money towards Jakes physio instead of her receiving presents. There are some very lovely and supportive people out there. We are humbled and very appreciative of all the efforts made by these great peeps in helping to make Jake's life a bit easier.

Friday 10 June 2016

Good News!

Jake has the keys to an adapted bungalow in his Hometown. Going to Birmingham next week for nerve transfers to hopefully regain some use of his triceps. Possibility they may have to go for a tendon transplant instead but fingers crossed the nerve transfers will suffice.
All going to plan Jake should be in his house mid July.
Its been a long haul for him, Holly and his family and it will be great for Jake get on with his life and be the best he can be.

Massive thanks to Christian Birch for running the Brighton Marathon to raise an awesome £800 for Jake to use towards physio.

Friday 9 October 2015

THE NEXT STEP - possibly

Now Jake has his wheels and is able to get around more easily he has had a coupe of small goes with the Bioness H200 with a view to getting some hand function albeit mechanically assisted.

Due to being quite poorly with Autonomic Dysreflexia trialling it has been put on the back burner somewhat. Hopefully now Jake is a bit fitter he can crack on with it. There is no guarantee it will work as he has no hand or wrist function at all but anything is worth a try.

Again anything to do with disability is very expensive. This new model retails at $7000 approx so will have to ask Aspire or similiar Charity for some help towards it if after further trials it is going to be beneficial.

Bioness H200

Thursday 17 September 2015

Epic bike ride. Sidmouth to Amsterdam! 5-12th September 2015


E-motion wheels in motion.
The guys did a magnificent job of cycling from Sidmouth to Amsterdam. Over 500 miles! Was a truly epic ride and an experience that they can be so proud of. We have been humbled by the generosity and effort made by our family and friends. Jake is now able to get himself around. A lot of people wonder why he did not just take the easy route and get an electric chair.  To those I say, if you only had a few muscles that actually worked in your whole body (and some of these are not firing 100%) would you want them to seize up and become useless? By having these wheels Jake has to make a concerted effort to move himself around assisted by the motors. Worth every penny!!

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Route Sidmouth to Amsterdam

Route up on journeyforjake facebook page. Check it out! Day 1 and 3 a bit savage for the guys.  Laurence  has actually worn out his brake pads with the miles he has put in. Fab effort!

Bike ride route