Sunday 10 May 2015

Visited with Jake yesterday. In fair spirits. Very frustrated he cannot use his hands or wrists. Bit more strength in his shoulders and elbows. Not enough to go any distance in manual wheelchair so hoping for funding part way towards some e-motion wheels.


Sunday 17/5/15 lots of friends visiting today. Few beers! Jake in good spirits despite a lot of neck pain. Looking forward to watching Arsenal vs Man Utd.

Monday 01/06/15 - Crap day! Jake has a pressure mark at the top of his leg so confined to bed. Boring, boring, boring for him. Cheered him up a bit with a Pot Noodle, Haribo and a Stella!

Sunday 07/06/15  - Bit of a mission for James and I getting to Salisbury today. Classic and Super Car show on at Wilton. 3hr journey. On the plus side we saw couple Ferrari's, a Lamborghini and a Noble.
Jake still stuck in bed! Got up for half hour to relieve the boredom. Pressure mark is improving but some complications with plumbing. Keeping himself sane, just!

Wednesday 10/06/15 - ☆NEWS FLASH! ☆
Jake is coming back to Exeter Hospital on Monday. Great news for him and us.

Sunday 14/06/15 - Lovely day spent at the Plant and food market in Horatio's Garden at the Hospital.  Thanks to my dear friend Janet for coming with me. Few mishaps, she got the wrong day, spilt Costas all over her white jeans and my car. I then dropped the cakes! All good fun though!
Jake in good spirits as was I for the first time driving away from the Unit. Exeter tomorrow! So much closer to home and all his friends.

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